The Voice of Generation Y

“The Voice of Generation Y” is a mobility project which intends to bring together youth workers and facilitators in order to combine new aspects in peace building and conflict management by using coaching techniques and Non-Violent Communication as a methodology. The title of the project metaphorically describes the generation which is always “loud” and open for the changes, which is freedom-seeker and which is not afraid to break the silence. The project represents the generation which is up to innovation and eager to be part of the experimental learning.
Therefore, the main objectives of the project are following: to develop new approaches and work-forms in conflict management and reconciliation; to combine different approaches in order to redesign understanding of peace while changing traditional way of thinking. At last but not least, we intend to invite the generation of change which will lead us to new path to Peace and empower new generation of facilitators and youth workers.
The methodology and type of activities will be mainly related to non formal education, non-violent communication, coaching, self-expression, simulation games, peer to peer, learning by doing and
experimental learning. The important part is that participants are creating the outcome by themselves through their participation and involvement. The result we aim to achieve is to put developed practice and work-forms into book which will be published and spread through project partners and other networks. Once the training is over, participants will implement activities in their own communities and share the information acquired during the course. The ultimate goal of the project is to challenge the traditional ways to conflict management while combining various approaches and bring together different stakeholders. In this way, we strongly believe that we can propose innovative work-forms for facilitators and fellow trainers which can be used in conflict- management and Reconciliation. We aspire to inspire others while writing new chapter in Peace-building.

In the project are involved young participants and several youth associations :
– Youth Beats of Lithuania (Lithuania);
– System and G (Greece);
– Otthon a Vilagban Interkulturalis Egyesulet (Hungary);
– Nema (Portugal);
– Bulgarian Youth Association (Bulgaria);
– Kud Plac (Slovenia);
– SHAFT (Turkey);
-Baltic Regional Fund (Latvia);
– Associazione ABìCì (Italy).

Nowadays lots of conflicts are arising in several fields: cultural and faith differences, coexistance in urban areas, territory conflicts, and in daily lives, especially for those who are considered excluded or with fewer opportunities by society. Lot of discussion has been made on these topics, but few steps have been taken. We want, as the young generation of our time, to take the chance and lead an active path to dialogue and non violent communication, through coaching and non formal education, in order to bring these positive changes not only on the theorical level, but also on the practical one.
We live in a society that pretends to be very tolerant and multicultural, but that is ready to point at the difference rather than appreciating it whenever something is happening, and ready to start the conflicts whenever there is occasion to even just think about it.
We want to change these trends and work directly on the youth through peer to peer methods, to make them agents of positive changes.
The objectives that we foresee with our TC will be:
– To reshape and develop conceptual and practical meaning of Peace and Conflict Resolution while changing the traditional way of thinking
– To develop new approaches and competences in conflict management and reconciliation through non-violent communication and coaching techniques
– To empower facilitators/ trainers while equipping them with coaching skills and techniques in conflict management
– To foster inter cultural dialogue,mutual understanding and peaceful coexistence
– To unlock capacity and potential of participants which will leads us to new understanding and methodology
– To raise awareness about Erasmus + as a tool for peace building and conflict resolution
Throughout the course, participants will be equipped with different skills and knowledge.
The working methods used will focus on increasing participants’ competences on four levels:
Cognitive impact – concerning knowledge, understanding and other academic outcomes. The trainers and participants will share knowledge about Peace building and conflict resolution. The activities to practice in coaching and non-violent communication will be guided by trainers
Affective impact – encompassing attitudes, values and self-perceptions. The project framework involves discussions about approaches, gives space to combine approaches and also provides space for self-reflection.
Interpersonal and social impact – including communication skills, leadership and teamwork. Coaching skills can be acquired or improved through communication and social relations with others. Most of the activities will be group-based. They will foster inter cultural and interpersonal communication, leadership, teamwork, presentation skills and project management skills.
Physical and behavioral impact – relating to, physical skills, personal behaviors and social actions. The project is primary based on behavioral impact. The approach, attitude and behavior are interrelated, which cause certain result.
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