The treasure of each individual: the Human Rights
“The treasure of each individual: the Human Rights” it is a KA1 a training course which has been implemented from 4th to 10th of May 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia involving 27 participants, trainers and facilitators from Estonia, Italy, Cyprus, Portugal, Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland and Romania. The main purpose of the training course has been to train and transfer competences on Human Rights Education for Youth to other Youth Workers active in youth education and interested to multiply activities in their own organisations and communities about Human Rights Education. During the training the participants have developed their own workshops on Human Rights Education and they have discussed about different features of Human Rights, history of them, Institutions and documents to protect them.

This project has been supported by Noorteagentuur and the Erasmus+ programme in the field of youth education. This project has been the result of the cooperation among Bulgarian Youth Association, Geoclube – Associação Juvenil, INSTYTUT ROWNOWAGI SPOLECZNO EKONOMICZNEJ, MeOut, Asociatia “Uita de lacrimi”, PlanBe, Plan it Be it, Associazione ABICI. #erasmusplus #noorte #youth #treasurehre #humanrights #education #nonformal #tallinn #estonia #tdm2000estonia #youthwork #