Path towards organizational management: a new age
“Path towards organizational management: a new age” is a mobility project that has been implemented in Selargius, Cagliari (Italy) , from 18th of June till 24th of June 2016. During the project 31 participants from EU countries (Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary) were involved in its activities. The aim of it has been focused on combining new aspects in managing youth organisations by using coaching techniques as a methodology. The project supported youth workers and offer them theoretical and practical tools to work with and use when training young people.
Our association decided to implement this project due to the lack of management skills in the youth organisations. It seems that youth organisations often experience a lack of techniques and methods that can be taken from other sectors and adapted to their organisation’s reality to help to improve its quality.
Due to this project we would like to boost a collective effort , able to involve people from different cultural, professional and organisational backgrounds and encourage the development of well managed youth organisations across Europe through the provision of a theoretical foundation and practical application of organisational management techniques.
Therefore, the main objectives of the project are following:
– sharing experiences that help to improve organisation management;
– identify all fundamentals that influence organisation management , project managemet i, decision making process;
– hand over competences to the participants and stimulate a new way of thinking regarding management of youth organisation and realise quality projects in the field of young people ;
– establish a partnership with all partner involved ;
– create a booklet regarding organisation management in youth organisation ;
– support quality and innovative projects that match needs of young people;

– promote projects that foster partecipation and active citizenship of young people ;
– boost intercultural dialogue;
-empower new generation of facilitators and youth workers.
The methodology and type of activities are mainly related to non formal education, coaching, self-expression, simulation games, peer to peer, learning by doing and experimental learning. The participants involved have created the outcome by themselves through their participation and involvement.
The result we aim to achieve is to put developed practice and work-forms into book which will be published and spread through project partners and other networks.
The ultimate goal of the project is to challenge the traditional ways to manage youth organisation while combining various approaches and bring together different stakeholders.
In this way, we strongly believe that we can propose innovative work-forms for facilitators and fellow trainers which can be used in organisation management .
In the project are involved 31 participants and several youth associations :
– Associazione ABìCì (Italy);
– Brno for you (Czech Republic);
– Pin Malaga (Spain);
– Zavod za Idei (Bulgaria);
– Social Policy and Action Organization (Cyprus);
– Seiklejate Vennaskond (Estonia);
– Darnaus vystumo projektai (Lithuania);
– Fundacja Centrum Aktywnosci Tworczej (Poland);
– En Kint Egyesulet a Bekeert es Fejlodesert (Hungary).
Furthermore the project is coherence with the ERASMUS+ Programme because wants to promote youth workers mobility as tool to improve competences of youth workers and youth organisation, support international cooperation among youth organisation, involve young people with fewer opportunities and support the improvement of the quality of projects in the field of young people.
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