WAAH: We Are All Humans
We often attribute negative characteristics to people even if we do not know them. We can have one experience with the member of ethnic group and sometimes we generalize it. The individual characteristics are attributed to the group. There are a lot of non-formal methods aiming to eliminate prejudices and stereotypes towards the excluded groups in our society. One of the effective methodology is a Human Library, a personal meeting with a representative of a minority. The main objective of the project is to overcome prejudices and stereotypes through the dialogue on local level where the partner organizations are based.
During the training course, participants will gain necessary knowledge and skills to be able to organize Human Library in their communities. The training course will offer the theoretical background of the methodology the Human Library.
All the acquired knowledge will be applied to the practice through a model event and the real public event of Human Library in Brno.
Partial objectives of the training course:
– Train youth workers in the methodology of the Human Library concept;
– Provide an opportunity for local people to attend Human Library events;
– Proved an opportunity for local people to find out their aptitude of the prejudices and stereotypes towards minorities.